4 Tips For Saving On Major Purchases Around The Home

Posted on: 19 January 2015

When you need new furniture, appliances or other major purchases for the home, keep in mind that you don't always need to purchase items brand new and you also don't need to settle for poor-quality used items either. There are many ways to save on the major purchases you need for the home; consider a few tips on how to do this.

1. Have furniture restored

Very often the furniture you own is in good shape when it comes to the framework, but the cushions and fabric are simply worn down. Wood furniture may also be chipped and dull, but these are problems that can be addressed by a furniture restorer. New fabric can be stapled over the frame and new cushions made with cut foam. Wood furniture can be lightly sanded and given a new finish or paint job. This can mean furniture that looks brand new for a fraction of the cost of actually buying new furniture. For more information, contact a company like Clifton Upholstery.

2. Look for closeout appliances

Closeout appliances are models that are not going to be offered for sale any longer, so manufacturers and retail stores want them off the sales floor as quickly as possible. These appliances are new and offer all the features you need but are sold for much less money than other brands. Do a quick internet search for closeout appliances and you'll probably find many options near your home.

3. Shop for granite remnants

New countertops can be very expensive especially if you prefer the look of granite, but a good way to save is to shop for granite remnants. These are pieces left over from other jobs that can be cut to fit your countertops. You may not have as many choices when it comes to remnants as you do with brand new pieces, but typically you can find a wide enough range of options to suit your taste.

4. Buy prefabricated cabinets

Prefabricated cabinets are those that are already made and which simply slide into the footprint of your current cabinets in your kitchen. This is a much cheaper option than having cabinets custom made for your kitchen. Most cabinets in kitchens are made to a standard size so you can easily measure them and then purchase the prefabricated cabinets that are of the same size. You can find prefabricated cabinets at most big box home supply stores or even at warehouse style stores, and they come in a wide range of styles and colors.
